Odd Jobs
I guess it is about time to have a new post!!! :) How are all of you? The first month of the new year is almost coming to an end now, what have you accomplished and learnt? Have you set goals and started to work towards them?
I have been working many many odd jobs and i have learnt so much from the little lessons that these jobs provided me. At one point in time, believe it or not, i had four jobs in a week: class coordinater, newspaper distributor, student aid and street surveyor. I actually started school so i kinda stopped my street survey.
One of the more interesting jobs was the newspaper distribution. I went for this interview at recruit express and the employee asked me alot of questions about where I'm studying (Singapore Institute of Management), what degree I'm doing (Bachelor of Science in Business Adminstration), when I'm finishing (this year), and the subjects that i studied (HR, Sales force management, finance etc etc.). And then she said, "So basically, this job is newspaper distribution..." I just smiled. :) Sometimes its not what you say but how you say it.
And so... i got the job n_n. What this job requires is actually the distributer to pass out the chinese newspaper (which i don't know how to read), only one per person, to only chinese (unless asked for) and to count the number of bundles distributed. Like every job that i do, i always apply one of the most effective quotes that was given in the Empower U program: DO MORE THAN IS ASKED FOR YOU. So instead of standing there distributing. I started walking around, actually very proactively giving it out. What happened was it was ok for the first few minutes, but carrying one whole bundle is quite tiring when you walk around (It really is!). So starting from a really energetic butterfly distributor, became a really tired slouching distibutor.
Then, i was thought by the SPH personell that i actually did not need to run about like that.
I have been working many many odd jobs and i have learnt so much from the little lessons that these jobs provided me. At one point in time, believe it or not, i had four jobs in a week: class coordinater, newspaper distributor, student aid and street surveyor. I actually started school so i kinda stopped my street survey.
One of the more interesting jobs was the newspaper distribution. I went for this interview at recruit express and the employee asked me alot of questions about where I'm studying (Singapore Institute of Management), what degree I'm doing (Bachelor of Science in Business Adminstration), when I'm finishing (this year), and the subjects that i studied (HR, Sales force management, finance etc etc.). And then she said, "So basically, this job is newspaper distribution..." I just smiled. :) Sometimes its not what you say but how you say it.
And so... i got the job n_n. What this job requires is actually the distributer to pass out the chinese newspaper (which i don't know how to read), only one per person, to only chinese (unless asked for) and to count the number of bundles distributed. Like every job that i do, i always apply one of the most effective quotes that was given in the Empower U program: DO MORE THAN IS ASKED FOR YOU. So instead of standing there distributing. I started walking around, actually very proactively giving it out. What happened was it was ok for the first few minutes, but carrying one whole bundle is quite tiring when you walk around (It really is!). So starting from a really energetic butterfly distributor, became a really tired slouching distibutor.
Then, i was thought by the SPH personell that i actually did not need to run about like that.
"Just stand beside the paper stand, people want this paper. They'll just come to you. We pay you to ensure each one gets one."
And then the "Ah-ha" point came. i just stood beside the newspaper stand and waited. I waited and waited... and waited... then it happened. Like a swarm of bees people just started coming. I couldn't even distribute fast enough for everyone. That moment i just felt SooooOOOoo attractive:). Not that i was though but you see where ever you want to go or whatever you want to do chances are there is already someone out there who has been there and done that. Why not just learn from them.
One other thing that i learnt is that it doesn't cost anything to smile but it reverberates good energy. I was smiling as wide as i could and being sincere at the same time to each person that came along. I've been approached twice, by two people who said that i was the most smiley person they have ever seen, which really made me happy because every single day i distribute 1000 papers. If my smile had made a difference to one hundred, it is enough. It is enough. It makes my day just to know that people appreciates smiles.
Really great to be back having some free time to blog:) Do tag if you can!
"Keep on smiling, because you'll never know which person is falling in love with that smile."
-not known-

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