Again i have been really busy with work and all those odd jobs that i do. But just to share one of the moments when i was sitting on the train travelling from one place to another (from one job to another) i had, you could say a realization which sparked many many other things which i hope that you can actually get a portion of. I was thinking about how much change there has been in my life, my time and my focus. It was at that point in time that i relaized how much more geared up i was towards what i want.
While all these changes and happenings happened around me, my single and most important passion never died. It was at that point that i realized that all that i have been doing was a preparation to becoming the person i was going to become. Even during the job of distributing newspapers. I was learning how to give and smile and not give.
Not give? you ask. Yes not give. The job really tests how strong your values are to get teh job done right. I was not supposed to be giving more than one per person, even if they asked. At times i was just so propelled in giving because of the unhappy faces or uneasy smiles that comes with not giving when people ask. But I've learnt to do the job right, even if it means upsetting some people.
Other Jobs like the coordinating job also teaches me things. Things like to always remember to have a detailed account of every single thing that is put in yout charge. And to make sure that at the end of the day they are still safe with you. Immense concentration and clarity because at one time i could be given 20 items to distribute to the various people and collect it back at the end of the day.
And the other job of Surveying on the street taught me that rejections are a norm. Whatever you ask for, you'll have some form of resistence and rejection. I learnt to not take it personally and move on to the next opportunity. It might sound simple and easy on paper but when you really get rejected 80 percent of the time, you will start to understand what i mean.
And I'm also often reminded of why I am doing all this. Why? There are many reasons but the most important is that i choose to do it. I choose to work and work hard.
The person that i need to be is getting clearer and clearer in the mirror.
How about you?
While all these changes and happenings happened around me, my single and most important passion never died. It was at that point that i realized that all that i have been doing was a preparation to becoming the person i was going to become. Even during the job of distributing newspapers. I was learning how to give and smile and not give.
Not give? you ask. Yes not give. The job really tests how strong your values are to get teh job done right. I was not supposed to be giving more than one per person, even if they asked. At times i was just so propelled in giving because of the unhappy faces or uneasy smiles that comes with not giving when people ask. But I've learnt to do the job right, even if it means upsetting some people.
Other Jobs like the coordinating job also teaches me things. Things like to always remember to have a detailed account of every single thing that is put in yout charge. And to make sure that at the end of the day they are still safe with you. Immense concentration and clarity because at one time i could be given 20 items to distribute to the various people and collect it back at the end of the day.
And the other job of Surveying on the street taught me that rejections are a norm. Whatever you ask for, you'll have some form of resistence and rejection. I learnt to not take it personally and move on to the next opportunity. It might sound simple and easy on paper but when you really get rejected 80 percent of the time, you will start to understand what i mean.
And I'm also often reminded of why I am doing all this. Why? There are many reasons but the most important is that i choose to do it. I choose to work and work hard.
The person that i need to be is getting clearer and clearer in the mirror.
How about you?

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