Two weeks :)
All right! Here we go again!!! Two weeks of another two Young Champions Programs. Well you know what i'm going ta say... They were awesome. Even though there were lots of ups and downs in this two weeks i must say that I've grown alot. Not physically but emotionally and spiritually. Sometimes we need to see the world from different angles. Me on my head!! Whahaha

This was from the last day of all the programs when we went bowling. Look! Super BW has psychic powers too!!!

Super Bao Wen again trying out her head stand! Whooohooo ... lol sorry for not taking it properly for three times... but hey! we got it the fourth time >.<

I took some random photos check 'em out!

Li wen!! you look mystic lol n_n
Robbie, Me and Nicholas!!! At the end of the program sob sob*
The little guy all the little girls want lol nicholas again :p
Oh Sherlyn... Just look at her. Isn't she an angel? *heart beats fast and slow* So cute!!! @_@
Another one? lol Christine!!! The sweet sweet girl n_n.
Oh did i tell you? In between two programs i went for the confident communicator course. Don't need to look for me in this picture (i was the one taking it lol) It was great, i watched the Trumen show with them and just hung out chatting to the last YC participants:). It was awesome!!!
Ah Yes Ming Ni how can i forget. Thank you for your quiet and shy nature. Will miss you!!! n_n
Amelia! The one participant who got the last flipchart!!! OMG that means alot!!! n_n You were awesome i must say :)
*Heart breaks* Nigel, Jia En and me. I miss you so much!!! Come and step on my shoe now!!! Oh man you didn't come to get my blog address! i wish you could see this. Loveya jia jia!!! (Just in case we ever meet again, i was joking about the shoe stepping part>.< )
Julius! haha the cool dude! Hey man i actually hope that you can become and assist. Yups that will be cool. Just imagine us and the program! n_n
I presented the emotions section!!! Oh man that is like so important to me you know? This is my very first flip chart (i wonder who took it lol)
Belly laughs has become my favourite activity now. My 2nd flipchart!!! look at how nice the stick men are lol :)
Sorry but i really can't stop myself from taking another photo of this lol :)
And another one lol... this one is like artistic. (accidentally artistic)
Denise Senior lol n_n Hey why does my hair look so flat here?!?! whahaha you look great too la n_n
Hey man, thank you so much for visiting. Its really great to just see someone who has done the program before and just remember you. Ben and me n_n.
Li Wen and me. Hey we look quite nice wo n_n wha i like your hair band. I KNOW YOU LIKE COOTIES!!! whahaha
This is like a family photo lo lol... ops someone might get jealous lol. Denise Senior, Denise Junior and me junior n_n
Me and little princess sarah n_n
Haha i love this one. Alwin, Joshua and me. Look at Alwin! :)
ooooo sarah!!!! n_n hehe don't remember if i gave you my blog or not n_n Don't you think this is a nice picture? I do!
Heehee me and pretty Amanda n_n.
I'm from the pigs team, no the bears team, no the frogs team, no the dogs team... No la I'm the zoo keeper lol.
I just love this guy! look at him. Smiling so happily because we feed him lol... still got rice on his lips de. (Just to note, this guy is a heart throb among the girls wo!)
Ok my blur and hungry look n_n cute?

Li wen!! you look mystic lol n_n

Robbie, Me and Nicholas!!! At the end of the program sob sob*

The little guy all the little girls want lol nicholas again :p

Amelia! The one participant who got the last flipchart!!! OMG that means alot!!! n_n You were awesome i must say :)

*Heart breaks* Nigel, Jia En and me. I miss you so much!!! Come and step on my shoe now!!! Oh man you didn't come to get my blog address! i wish you could see this. Loveya jia jia!!! (Just in case we ever meet again, i was joking about the shoe stepping part>.< )

I presented the emotions section!!! Oh man that is like so important to me you know? This is my very first flip chart (i wonder who took it lol)

Belly laughs has become my favourite activity now. My 2nd flipchart!!! look at how nice the stick men are lol :)

Sorry but i really can't stop myself from taking another photo of this lol :)

And another one lol... this one is like artistic. (accidentally artistic)

Denise Senior lol n_n Hey why does my hair look so flat here?!?! whahaha you look great too la n_n

Hey man, thank you so much for visiting. Its really great to just see someone who has done the program before and just remember you. Ben and me n_n.

Li Wen and me. Hey we look quite nice wo n_n wha i like your hair band. I KNOW YOU LIKE COOTIES!!! whahaha

This is like a family photo lo lol... ops someone might get jealous lol. Denise Senior, Denise Junior and me junior n_n

Me and little princess sarah n_n

Haha i love this one. Alwin, Joshua and me. Look at Alwin! :)

ooooo sarah!!!! n_n hehe don't remember if i gave you my blog or not n_n Don't you think this is a nice picture? I do!

Heehee me and pretty Amanda n_n.

I'm from the pigs team, no the bears team, no the frogs team, no the dogs team... No la I'm the zoo keeper lol.

I just love this guy! look at him. Smiling so happily because we feed him lol... still got rice on his lips de. (Just to note, this guy is a heart throb among the girls wo!)

Ok my blur and hungry look n_n cute?

Because of the programs i've not been home for all the weekends of march!!! oh man me and mei mei when we had the time together. I miss my family sooooOOooo much. lol it looks like my nose bled while taking this picture lol..

Didn't i tell you i was Superman? Now you believe lol n_n. One finger balancing the car!!!
All that holding up kind of made me a little tired (not alot) I think that's all then! See you next time!!! Love Love Love!!!

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