It was a sunny morning, a glorious one,
The Sky is blue and the winds blew gently.
He stepped out of the house smiling,
Ready for a new day,
Ready for new adventures and new explorations,
New opportunities and new fun.
He stretches out his hands and smells the morning aroma,
And he opens his eyes...
Something changes the moment he does,
He didn't have anything to do today...
He fumbles into his pocket and took out his planner...
The funny thing is its filled with chores...
However he felt there was no reason to...
To do all those things he had written down....
For in front of him there was everything...
A whole landscape of nature and beauty...
A whole landscape of everything...
Everything which there is to own...
But missing one thing that makes it all complete...
Why did he feel this way he thought,
What is it that was missing?
He shouted out loud,
then in the slience came the reply...
With all that he has,
With All the beauty,
With All the riches,
With All the things on the landscape,
He realized...
There was no one there to share it with....
He was poor after all...
What do this story mean? More importantly what do this story want to tell you?
The Sky is blue and the winds blew gently.
He stepped out of the house smiling,
Ready for a new day,
Ready for new adventures and new explorations,
New opportunities and new fun.
He stretches out his hands and smells the morning aroma,
And he opens his eyes...
Something changes the moment he does,
He didn't have anything to do today...
He fumbles into his pocket and took out his planner...
The funny thing is its filled with chores...
However he felt there was no reason to...
To do all those things he had written down....
For in front of him there was everything...
A whole landscape of nature and beauty...
A whole landscape of everything...
Everything which there is to own...
But missing one thing that makes it all complete...
Why did he feel this way he thought,
What is it that was missing?
He shouted out loud,
then in the slience came the reply...
With all that he has,
With All the beauty,
With All the riches,
With All the things on the landscape,
He realized...
There was no one there to share it with....
He was poor after all...
What do this story mean? More importantly what do this story want to tell you?