Wealth of Words
I recently was in a conversation with a few people, which i really enjoy because i love talking to people, and observing people. And there was like a flash back to what i've learnt 4 years ago.. What happened was one of the persons in this conversationkept coming up with an idea and then say: "But... i don't know... if it'll work...that is just what i think" and then motioned the idea away. What happened just then and there was that she suddenly appeared to have such a low perspective about her very own ideas and very own opinion. Therefore, i told her it was not good to say "i don't know" all the time and that her idea was very sound and in fact useful to what we were saying. I do not know why she always say what she says but i know that everytime she talks like that, she is falling bit by bit.
What i learnt 4 years ago was that there are certain words which we say every single day that defines who we are and whether we will succeed in everyday situations AND also in everyday problems. You see, words affects our everyday life. What you say is what you think and what you think is what you'll get. Recently i read from one of my university assignments about a quote said by Ralph Waldo Emerson which went like this: "With his will, or against his will, a man reveals himself with every word."
Now is not that very true? Many people are not aware that what they are saying affects their perspective of the world AND their living in the world. You see, there is Wealth in your words. If you speak words that are motivating, exciting or empowering, you will most probably be living it! If you do otherwise, you'll most probably be living according to it as well.
So, what is the kind of life you want to live? And how do you want to be seen by others, more importantly how do you want to see yourself? Remember this is not about who you are now, but what you want to become; that you want to change the way you speak or you want to increase your awareness of how you speak. It is through your wealth of words that you'll obtain your wealth in life.
Broadly defined, this could mean that if you say the right things you'll succeed in the right areas. I'm not perfect, i choose the wrong words everyday! But I'm increasing that awarenbess and changing for the better.
Thinka about it. n_n
What i learnt 4 years ago was that there are certain words which we say every single day that defines who we are and whether we will succeed in everyday situations AND also in everyday problems. You see, words affects our everyday life. What you say is what you think and what you think is what you'll get. Recently i read from one of my university assignments about a quote said by Ralph Waldo Emerson which went like this: "With his will, or against his will, a man reveals himself with every word."
Now is not that very true? Many people are not aware that what they are saying affects their perspective of the world AND their living in the world. You see, there is Wealth in your words. If you speak words that are motivating, exciting or empowering, you will most probably be living it! If you do otherwise, you'll most probably be living according to it as well.
So, what is the kind of life you want to live? And how do you want to be seen by others, more importantly how do you want to see yourself? Remember this is not about who you are now, but what you want to become; that you want to change the way you speak or you want to increase your awareness of how you speak. It is through your wealth of words that you'll obtain your wealth in life.
Broadly defined, this could mean that if you say the right things you'll succeed in the right areas. I'm not perfect, i choose the wrong words everyday! But I'm increasing that awarenbess and changing for the better.
Thinka about it. n_n